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Welcome to Sensational Sayings

Click on the cartoons on Sensational Sayings and you will see we are much more than a quote site!

Sensational Sayings is a gourmet mind feast of quotes, jokes, music, and other funny and engaging writings, carefully selected to entertain and amuse you.

What can you do? Give us your money!

Not all of it of course; just enough of it to make all this work seem worthwhile!

Think of all the junk you buy that brings you no satisfaction at all…

Now continue reading!

How to give us your money?

CLICK HERE and buy Sensational Sayings – the Book from Amazon. Feel the satisfaction…

CLICK HERE to buy any of the great original music selections on The Music page. Mmmm…

Everyone gets what they want!

Wisdom is often gained through our adventures, and more often, for some unfathomable reason, our misadventures. Many of our mistakes and missteps in life are told in countless stories, movies, and plays, but lessons learned can often be transmitted more succinctly in quotes, jokes, riddles etc.

For example: Who would have thought wisdom of the ages could be passed along by watching some guy get hit in the balls with a football. And yet here it is!


Pain makes man think.
Thought makes man wise.
Wisdom makes life endurable.

– John Patrick

So, not only do we present many of the shorter versions of the ‘gaining of wisdom,’ if you explore this path, we may have more horizons to travel together. Very heady stuff indeed! You can engage and be part of a simple idea – communication. You know, human beings… interacting with one another.

This may be a novel idea to some yet, for most of us, the highlight of our day is conversation and communication with other people.


What We Will Do!

We provide a distinct and personal selection of quotes, commentary, and other pleasurable time-wasting distractions. And there’s more: you also get a great selection of original music to listen to while you while away the hours reading quotes and other great verbiage.


God doesn’t make orange juice,

God makes oranges.

– Jesse Jackson


Through painstaking and tedious effort over many years, we have combined our massive knowledge of quotes, jokes, and other sensational sayings. We researched tens of thousands, or more likely, hundreds of thousands of all the greatest utterances of human kind, as time has gone by, and hand-picked what we consider to be the best of the pile. And we will be posting all that collection here, over time.

By “we” I am talking about myself and a few well-chosen friends. And by pile I’m talking about a gigantic, huge, seemingly endless pile…

We will be adding and updating posts with specially selected quotes and other entertaining thoughts, music, and news as we go along.

By now you have probably either gotten tired of my rambling and started perusing the other posts on the site, or you’re saying to yourself; “Who the hell do you and these so called friends of yours think you are, and what do you all know about ‘good’ quotes?”

Or maybe “That is a bold statement; to say anything about what a good quote is.” It’s like asking “how many whiskers does it take to make a beard?” or “how many whiskeys does it take to make you courageous enough to ask that special someone to dance?”

If you are like me, you would like to have your say about the whiskers thing; especially after you’ve had a few of the whiskey things. So we’ve made it as easy as pie to offer your opinion. Never having made a pie, I don’t know how easy that would be. But I digest…

You can leave a comment at the bottom of any of the posts and you can leave a comment to me personally by clicking on the CONTACT page from the tab banner. We look forward to hearing from you!